The Model RS is a heavy-duty safety stop control that provides a positive shut off of dangerous equipment in an emergency. A cable pulled by endangered personnel actuates the control.
The Model RSB is a heavy-duty safety control that provides a positive shut off of dangerous equipment in an emergency. A cable pulled by endangered personnel actuates it. This control has the built-in advantage of cable break detection.
The Model TA is a belt mis-alignment control that provides an indication when a conveyor belt has drifted off to a dangerous misalignment condition.
The Model PC is a rugged compact safety switch that provides a quick positive shut off of dangerous equipment in emergencies or normal operation.
The Model DB is a cable operated damaged belt detector that looks for punctures, tears, or protrusions through the conveyor belt and provides a means of automatic shutdown to limit the damage to the conveyor belt
The Model CMS is a direct drive control that indicates when rotating equipment has ceased to turn.
The Model FS is designed to provide indication of presence or absence of dry bulk material on a conveyor belt.
The Model TA-TPS is a tripper position switch, which is a heavy duty limit switch commonly used to aid in positioning of the “tripper” on a conveyor with multiple discharge points or discharge chutes.
The Model VA is the newest belt alignment control specifically designed for use with bucket elevators.
The Model BA is a heavy-duty conveyor belt mis-alignment switch that either provides an indication or a shut off of the conveyor during a drift condition in order to prevent further damage to the conveyor belt.
The Model SSI is an indication system consisting of 2 separate parts, a Controller-Display module and one or more Field Modules.
The Model RSC is a compact safety switch that provides a positive shut off of dangerous equipment in an emergency or for normal operation.